Maricopa County GOP Official Slams Trump’s Voter Fraud Claims

3 years ago 376

Former President Donald Trump doesn’t person the enactment of each the Republican officials successful Arizona.

Stephen Richer, Maricopa’s region recorder, wrote a missive blasting the ex-president’s claims that the 2020 wide predetermination was fraudulent arsenic an “abomination” and expresses his embarrassment with Republicans “concoct the astir outlandish theories (Chinese ballots!) to debar accepting the reality: we mislaid the apical 2 races successful Arizona.”

My letter, of sorts, to my beloved Party (GOP) connected the Ninja audit and the November 2020 election. "Dear Arizona Republicans..."


Richer notes that helium and his household campaigned for Trump and that helium initially chose not to talk retired arsenic the erstwhile president launched predetermination challenges successful the courts.

“At this point, I anticipation my main information for speaking retired is abundantly clear: the Ninja audit is an abomination that has truthful acold eroded predetermination assurance and defamed bully people,” helium wrote successful the missive addressed to chap Republicans arsenic a Republican-backed audit winds down.

“More than immoderate motivation code, philosophical agenda, involvement group, oregon adjacent squad reddish vs. squad blue, galore politicians volition simply bash immoderate it takes to enactment successful office,” Richer wrote.

“Right now, a batch of Republican politicians person their fingers successful the upwind and deliberation that conforming to Stop the Steal, oregon astatine slightest staying quiescent astir it, is indispensable for reelection successful their ruby reddish districts oregon a statewide Republican primary. So that’s what they’ll do. Multiple elected oregon hoping-to-be-elected Republicans person told maine this explicitly,” helium said. “It’s disgusting.”

Richer has been wide praised.

@stephen_richer Thank you. It is courageousness and integrity from radical similar you that person squashed immoderate anticipation of a sham audit being conducted successful different states similar Pennsylvania. Truth matters. You person my respect.


@stephen_richer All of this and much due to the fact that of 1 man’s monumental ego that wouldn’t let him to judge reality. Thank you for penning this letter.



"Nobody stole Maricopa County’s election. Elections successful Maricopa County aren’t rigged." A precise thorough explainer connected the partisan Arizona "audit" and wherefore the Maricopa County predetermination was not stolen:


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