A Frustrated Eric Swalwell Erupts On Those Who Won’t Get Vaccinated
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) spoke for the vast majority of Americans when he unloaded on those who refuse to get vaccinated.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) spoke for the immense bulk of Americans erstwhile helium unloaded connected those who garbage to get vaccinated.
Swalwell tweeted:
Blah blah blah you person a close to not get vaxxed. Fine. Then concern and authorities person a close to archer you that you’re not invited to patronize oregon you can’t get connected a plane. Because what close bash you deliberation you person to exposure my kids to your Covid? As parents, let’s ain (2/3)
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) November 30, 2021
the outrage. The looney carnival barkers astatine the schoolhouse committee meetings DO NOT bespeak wherever astir parents are. Your unvaxxed presumption is creating caller variants. So get your damn shot. Or, enactment wrong your house. But don’t messiness with my kids.
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) November 30, 2021
Rep. Swalwell was correct. The large number ever gets each of the media’s attention. He is besides close astir the unvaccinated created an situation for the microorganism to mutate and prosper. The unvaccinated are hosts that let caller variants of COVID to dispersed with ease.
The immense bulk of parents and Americans are fed up with the unvaccinated. No, earthy immunity is not the aforesaid arsenic a vaccination.
The past of pandemics suggests that COVID has 1 of 2 apt endings. Either radical get vaccinated and the fig of quality hosts and spreaders declines to the constituent wherever the microorganism is precise manageable to non-existent, oregon radical don’t get vaccinated, COVID continues to refine itself and yet kills the unvaccinated.
It is the grim 2nd anticipation that America is trying to avoid.
Rep. Swalwell was correct, and the close can’t speech astir the facts, truthful they person revived the debunked Fang Fang smear against him.
Eventually, America volition either enforce a vaccine mandate oregon let the unvaccinated to dice for their warped decease cult explanation of freedom, but astir Americans are bushed of trying to prevention those who don’t privation to beryllium saved.
Mr. Easley is the managing editor. He is besides a White House Press Pool and a Congressional analogous for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree successful Political Science. His postgraduate enactment focused connected nationalist policy, with a specialization successful societal betterment movements.
Awards and Professional Memberships
Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association
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