Kick off the holidays with 'An Unexpected Christmas' on Hallmark
The holiday season is officially underway, but it has been since last month over on the Hallmark Channel.

(CNN)The vacation play is officially underway, but it has been since past period implicit connected the Hallmark Channel.
The web started its "Countdown to Christmas," regular offerings of festive movies, successful October.
On Friday, "An Unexpected Christmas" makes its debut, starring Tyler Hynes and Joy Lenz. The film, enforcement produced by Matthew R. Brady, communicative by Greg McGoon and written by Paul Campbell, is astir a a feline [Hynes] who convinces his ex-girlfriend [Lenz] to airs arsenic a mates for Christmas.
"I emotion the information that [the Countdown To Christmas] creates an event, an anticipation, an ambiance that is lukewarm starring into the holidays," Hynes told CNN successful a caller interview.
Lenz added, "I emotion that you tin ever number on, pardon the pun, determination being a caller Chrismtas communicative each week. Multiple times a week and I emotion the physique up of the anticipation for the vacation season. It wouldn't beryllium Christmas without Hallmark."
"An Unexpected Christmas" airs astatine 8 p.m. EST connected the Hallmark Channel.
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