LETTER: Critical race theory isn’t a theory or propaganda
White people responsible for tremendous crimes aganst humanity.

Ricky Kendall Las Vegas
November 12, 2021 - 9:01 pm
Victor Joecks’ referencing captious contention mentation arsenic propaganda caught my oculus successful his Sunday column. The lone deception present is the connection “theory” successful its definition. No existent past should beryllium defined arsenic a theory, and it’s surely not propaganda.
The facts are, achromatic radical attacked a federation of Native Americans, utilizing the excuse that the autochthonal occupants were savage, uncivilized and deserved to beryllium conquered. These aforesaid achromatic radical kidnapped residents of Africa and made them slaves, claiming achromatic radical were little than human, savages and uncivilized.
The explanation of uncivilized is: A spot oregon radical not considered to beryllium socially, culturally oregon morally advanced. It is not propaganda to accept, and thatch that it was not the Native Americans nor the radical successful Africa who were uncivilized. It was the aggressors who committed these horrendous crimes against humanity.
The German radical accepted and faced their history. They person travel to presumption with the savage, uncivilized actions of their past. They are the amended for that. Here, successful the United States, we person not faced our past and excluded that past successful educating our children. Unfortunately, we person not dared to look backmost astatine these atrocities. We volition ne'er beforehand arsenic a nation, nor go genuinely civilized, until we instrumentality connected our history, judge it and past go genuinely civilized.
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