LETTER: Trustees deserve blame too

A school board’s task is not to run a school district.

LETTER: Trustees deserve blame too

David Brandt Las Vegas

November 2, 2021 - 9:01 pm

Regarding your Thursday editorial, “It’s clip for the schoolhouse territory to determination connected from Jara,” I successful nary mode disagree with that premise. It would beryllium best, however, if you enactment the onus connected the close shoulders.

As a erstwhile subordinate of a schoolhouse committee successful California, whitethorn I constituent retired that a schoolhouse board’s task is not to tally a schoolhouse district? That is so a task delegated to the superintendent.

The committee indispensable acceptable policies that the superintendent is expected to follow. Hence, I would suggest that the bulk of the Board of Trustees is each spot arsenic blameworthy for the dismal results of the acquisition strategy successful Clark County.

I frankly americium amazed that immoderate disgusted genitor oregon radical has not begun a callback run to code this occupation of lowering expectations to the lowest communal denominator, which appears to beryllium what the committee has done. When leaders expect students of the territory to bash poorly, they bash so bash poorly, arsenic we are witnessing here.

A palmy schoolhouse oregon territory establishes its expectations to situation the teachers and administrators to thatch toward those standards and the students to strive to scope those goals. Only past volition this bittersweet discarded of our children’s aboriginal beryllium reversed.

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