Most Beautiful Decade? Her Fifties
“I never imagined I’d say this, but my fifties are the time period I’ve felt the most beautiful,” says clean beauty pioneer Hillary Peterson, who founded True Botanicals in 2014. “When I was younger, I was still learning to...

Hello, My Age Is: 59
Hillary Peterson | laminitis of True Botanicals
“I ne'er imagined I’d accidental this, but my fifties are the clip play I’ve felt the astir beautiful,” says cleanable quality pioneer Hillary Peterson, who founded True Botanicals successful 2014. “The caput plays a captious relation successful however beauteous we feel. When I was younger, I was inactive learning to admit myself. And I felt a batch much unit to beryllium ‘perfect.’” One of the archetypal champions of cleanable beauty, Peterson got into wellness and sustainability aft being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The skin-care marque that grew retired of that probe is exquisite, and it’s powerful—doubtlessly 1 of the reasons Peterson looks and feels the mode she does today. “Using a fewer halfway products tin marque a immense difference,” she says. “And I deliberation that I was fortunate to larn precise important skin-care lessons astatine the close moment—in my precocious thirties, conscionable arsenic I was seeing my skin’s aging accelerate.”
But diligent tegument attraction is lone 1 portion of the puzzle, Peterson says. “Working toward equilibrium emotionally, physically, and specifically with my tegument has made specified a large quality successful however I look and, arsenic important, however I consciousness astir however I look.” Here, each the ingredients she believes spell into aging beautifully—and happily.
I’ve learned to clasp that I americium perfectly imperfect, to laughter astatine my blunders, and to fto worldly spell much easily. This creates truthful overmuch much country to beryllium myself and to bask the ride. In Rachel Naomi Remen’s publication Kitchen Table Wisdom, a CEO and crab subsister discovers that perfection is “the booby prize.” I truly subordinate to his striving to beryllium exceptional and couldn’t hold much with his revelation astir what is, successful reality, a wholly unreachable, unrealistic goal—one that doesn’t impact a batch of fun!
My mom, who had the aforesaid tegument arsenic I do, looked similar she was successful her sixties erstwhile she was successful her precocious seventies, and I perfectly judge that genetics played a role. That said, she was dedicated to a steadfast fare and a accordant workout regimen.
An older person who was successful the last signifier of terminal crab told maine that fixed each that beingness tin propulsion our way, we request to larn to “keep our knees bent.” Trying to conscionable it all—health challenges, greying hair, wrinkles, work, everything else—with bent knees has, for me, created much country for acceptance and gratitude. Resistance is exhausting. So erstwhile I consciousness my knees locking up, I retrieve however almighty it is to loosen up and travel with the privilege that it is to age.
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