Republicans Hold Onto Seat on Pennsylvania's Supreme Court
Democrats still control the seven-seat court, which has been thrust into legal battles over coronavirus orders and gerrymandering.

Elections|Republicans prevail successful an costly contention for a spot connected Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court.
Even without statesmanlike contenders fanning retired crossed the state, Pennsylvania presented 1 of the biggest prizes successful this year’s elections, 1 influencing everything from the governor’s coronavirus powers to redistricting — a spot connected the state’s Supreme Court.
On Tuesday, P. Kevin Brobson, a Republican and a Commonwealth Court judge, defeated Maria McLaughlin, a Democrat and a Superior Court judge, successful a fiercely contested contention for a spot vacated by a Republican. The candidates raised much than $5 million, overmuch from peculiar interests.
Unofficial tallies reported by the Pennsylvania Department of State showed Judge Brobson with astir 52 percent of the vote.
The predetermination protected 1 of the 2 seats Republicans power connected the seven-member tribunal successful Pennsylvania, which is 1 of a fistful of states that elite alternatively than name their Supreme Court justices.
While judicial races often alert nether the radar, they are hugely consequential.
In Pennsylvania implicit the past fewer years, the Supreme Court has redrawn the state’s legislature districts, throwing distant a Republican gerrymander and contributing to Democrats’ nett summation of 4 House seats determination successful 2018. It has besides upheld an exigency declaration that enabled Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, to contented stay-at-home orders and different restrictions successful effect to the pandemic; allowed Pittsburgh to enact a paid sick permission law; and slapped down a Republican suit seeking to invalidate mail-in ballots successful the 2020 election.
Given the persistence of efforts by erstwhile President Donald J. Trump and his allies to delegitimize the voting process, much election-related cases are apt to travel earlier the court. So mightiness 1 oregon much cases challenging Pennsylvania Republicans’ efforts to subpoena voters’ idiosyncratic information successful their bid for a partisan reappraisal of the 2020 predetermination results. The tribunal is besides expected to determine whether Pennsylvania’s Medicaid programme indispensable screen termination without restrictions.
Republicans besides won judicial races successful little courts. Megan Sullivan bushed Timika Lane, a Democrat, for a spot connected the state’s Superior Court. Stacy Wallace, a Republican, finished archetypal among 4 candidates for 2 seats connected the Commonwealth Court. Another Republican, Drew Crompton, who was seeking a imperishable spot connected the court, was starring the 2 Democrats successful that race.
Daniel Slotnik contributed reporting.
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