Trees cool the land surface temperature of cities by up to 12°C
An analysis of satellite data from 293 cities in Europe has found that trees have a big cooling effect while other green spaces do not

An investigation of outer information from 293 cities successful Europe has recovered that trees person a large cooling effect portion different greenish spaces bash not Environment 23 November 2021
By Chen Ly
A presumption of trees and buildings successful London Shutterstock / lazyllama
The cooling effect of trees reduces the aboveground somesthesia of European cities successful the summertime by up to 12°C successful immoderate regions. In contrast, greenish spaces without trees person a negligible effect, according to a survey that strengthens the lawsuit for histrion planting to assistance cities accommodate to global warming.
Jonas Schwaab astatine ETH Zurich successful Switzerland and his colleagues utilized onshore aboveground somesthesia information taken from satellites to comparison the somesthesia differences betwixt municipality trees, treeless municipality greenish spaces specified arsenic parks, and municipality cloth specified arsenic roads and buildings. They analysed 293 cities from crossed Europe.
The onshore aboveground somesthesia measured by satellites is not the aforesaid arsenic the aerial temperature, which is much intimately linked to what humans would feel, says Schwaab. “Usually, the aerial somesthesia quality betwixt histrion covered areas and built-up areas would beryllium overmuch smaller than the onshore aboveground somesthesia differences,” helium says.
The squad recovered that tree-covered areas person a overmuch little onshore aboveground somesthesia compared to surrounding areas crossed Europe. The differences were betwixt 8°C and 12°C successful cardinal Europe and betwixt 0°C and 4°C successful confederate Europe.
The cooling effect of trees comes mostly from shading and transpiration, which is erstwhile h2o wrong the histrion is released arsenic h2o vapour done their leaves. This process takes vigor vigor from the surrounding situation for evaporation, lowering the surrounding temperature.
In the warmer clime of confederate Europe, the ungraded and vegetation are typically drier, truthful the cooling effect of transpiration is little than successful regions further north, says Schwaab.
The squad besides recovered the cooling provided by treeless green spaces is negligible, and successful immoderate instances greenish areas without trees tin adjacent beryllium warmer than the surrounding municipality areas.
Extreme vigor is simply a growing occupation for cities successful Europe and elsewhere arsenic the satellite gets hotter. The findings amusement that trees tin person a large interaction connected cities crossed Europe, but since the size of their effects varies, vigor mitigation strategies should beryllium tailored to suit each region, says Schwaab.
“[This study] provides an important usher to municipality practitioners for deploying municipality trees arsenic an effectual municipality vigor mitigation strategy,” says Zhihua Wang astatine Arizona State University.
Journal reference: Nature Communications , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26768-w
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